Teaching Groups
Let’s grow together in a small group of 5-20 people to discuss the Bible, pray together, learn from a short video lesson and have a little fun along the way. No previous knowledge or experience is required, come seeking truth and you may even make some new friends!
Men's Group
Join a group of guys for quality time together, prayer, Bible study and relevant conversation. What does it mean to follow Jesus at work, home and in the community? Let’s grow together.
Wednesday 6-7pm
The Commons (upstairs)
Women's Group
Carve an hour out of your schedule to join us for Bible study, prayer, teaching and enjoying each other’s company.
Wednesday 6-7pm
Downstairs classroom
Youth Group
Let’s journey together as the timeless truth of the Bible intersects your teenage years. Can God really be trusted in hard times? How does Jesus want me to live in an ever changing world?
Wednesday 6-7pm
Children's Ministry
Ages K-5th are working through the big picture of the Bible with the Gospel Project. Music, visuals crafts and drama are used to create memorable teaching and a foundation of faith.
Sunday 10:30am
Children’s Chapel (K-5th grade)